Skylux Realty -
Skylux Realty Sales Team
Skylux Realty Sales Team -
55 Northern Blvd Suite 302, Great Neck NY 11021


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Our Mission

SKY extends high above us. LUXURY is immense comfort and extravagance. The mission of the accomplished real estate professionals of SKYLUX Realty is to guide, and even inspire you as a residential or commercial seller, buyer, or investor.

SKYLUX knows that "The sky is the limit" and shall provide you with an EXCEPTIONAL REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE as you reach your limitless real estate potential.  

Whether you are a seller seeking the highest value for your sale regardless of market conditions, a first-time buyer looking for a great deal, or an investor, we believe in YOU and we shall help you achieve your goals and navigate the expansive New York real estate market.

SKYLUX shall always put your interests first, and our strong ties to the residents, businesses, and professionals within the local communities we serve shall provide you with local knowledge and wisdom coupled with global reach. We give back to the COMMUNITY, and while providing seamless, excellent service, we shall share our market insights with you, inform, and help you strategize.

Real estate extends beyond each transaction, and our real estate agents remain at the forefront of the industry by offering unmatched access, education, insight and counsel to our clients.  

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