Skylux Realty -
Skylux Realty Sales Team
Skylux Realty Sales Team -
55 Northern Blvd Suite 302, Great Neck NY 11021


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About Us

SKYLUX serves the five boroughs of NEW YORK CITY and Long Island, and we not only provide residential buying and selling services but also handle commercial, land transactions, leasing and rentals, new development and property management.

We offer one-stop service and comprehensive real estate solutions and take pride in our exceptional TEAM.  Our extraordinary Broker KENNY TAN has 15 years of real estate Broker experience in addition to an MBA and degrees in Technology Management. The perennially top performing ANNA AND FAY GLOBAL REAL ESTATE TEAM has won multiple annual awards as top selling and listing agents and has earned the America’s Top 1% Realtors designation. SKYLUX is Partnership with the CPRE MARKETING, a marketing firm specializing in global real estate marketing, international relationships, and new developments.

“JOIN HANDS WITH SKYLUX SO THAT THE SKY IS THE LIMIT.” This slogan represents not only our determination that our clients achieve their ultimate goals, but also symbolizes our commitment to provide a warm and inclusive work environment for our employees and agents. At SKYLUX Realty, we are not just a TEAM, we are also a FAMILY! We are caring, sharing, growing, and working together to serve our valuable clients and community.

If you are seeking real estate services or are an agent looking to join an incredible team, SKYLUX shall be your most reliable partner. We promise to go above and beyond to meet your needs, and you will learn that an EXCEPTIONAL REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE is not a LUXURY you can afford to pass up.

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